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How much sugar is in your morning?

Large Companies Adding More Sugar, Good Grains isn't

Large companies are back to sugar

Last week, The Wall Street Journal and CBS News reported that large cereal companies are returning to higher sugar content in their products. The change comes after these companies saw a decline in the sale of cereal last year.

Studies have shown that consumers choose cereal as a dessert or late-night snack, instead of breakfast, so large cereal companies are no longer looking to dominate the morning routine, but re-classify many of their cereals as a dessert or an indulgent snack.

And we get it, we love a good, sugar-filled treat from time to time, too.

We're on your team!

However, we know that many families, and especially kids, still love to start their mornings with cereal. We don’t want them to get lost in the shuffle. We still believe in tasty, wholesome cereal that is satisfying as a late night snack, but also healthy enough to give to your kids before school.

Good Grains cereal contains absolutely nothing artificial and our kid favorites have up to 45% less sugar than leading brands. You can feel good about giving your kids Good Grains every morning. Plus, when you check out our nutrition panels, you’ll notice we account for an actual serving size.

We’re the real thing, so we give you the facts for what you pour in your bowl, not just a portion.

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